Corporate Social Responsibility
Committed to Society
At Rheoplus®, management is based on responsible action, attending and contributing to the well-being of our workers, employees, clients, and community.
To that end, we take active steps to bring about a sustainable industry and a fairer world.

Business management based on responsibility and sustainability.
We have the Ecovadis Silver certification, an important acknowledgement of implemented sustainability policies and of our social and responsible approach, placing us in the 25% of best-rated companies.
Our commitment
Respect for the Environment
We are committed to preserving the environment which is why we practice sustainable mining by developing production methods and products that have the lowest possible environmental impact.
People are our top priority; thus, we strive to improve people’s and families’ lives by investing in local development projects.
Specifically in Senegal, one of our production center locations, we conducted a global project in cooperation with the African NGO AMREF to bolster disease prevention and treatment in the village of Mbodiène by improving access to health services, child nutrition, and school refurbishment.